About Wadebridge Choral Society

Wadebridge Choral Society is a registered charity, affiliated to Making Music, and which aims to promote a love of voluntary music making and developing public education and appreciation of the art and science of music and singing. We are actively trying to encourage young people in the North Cornwall area to discover the fun of singing in a friendly choir.

We have changed our performing calendar to include an Autumn concert to make four concerts per year.

A Spring concert  presents a major formal work with professional soloists and orchestra.

The Summer concert consists of a smaller work and to which some young musicians may be invited to perform instrumental or vocal solos. The concert is  followed by Pimms and light refreshments for everyone.

An Autumn concert has been added to our yearly body of work. This will be another work with soloists and orchestra, to give an end of year structure before a more dedicated Carol Concert in December.

A Christmas Concert presents an equal mix of carols for choir and audience with one or two short festive readings; mulled wine and mince pies are served during the evening.

A yearly open Come and Sing day is organised by the Society, to which many singers from other choirs and venues are invited and made welcome; this may, on occasions, culminate in a short presentation of the work. Refreshments are provided.

We are extremely fortunate to have an inspirational director of music Nicholas Danks, who divides his time between Cornwall and Cambridge University where he is a Fellow and Director of Music at Corpus Christi College, to present these concerts, and our open singing day, to an extremely high standard.  Please do read his biography page.

All details of these events are posted here on our website and our Facebook page.

Our weekly rehearsals are great fun with refreshments and time to socialise in the break, and to hear all announcements pertaining to the choir.

We have a friendly and knowledgeable committee who will be happy at any time to discuss any matters or concerns that you may wish to raise.  You may even like to join us at some later stage of your time with the choir, new committee members are always welcome.

Fundraising is an essential part of the choir to enable us to continue giving concerts of the highest calibre.  We have a weekly raffle for the choir and organise social events such as Soup and Pud lunches, Open Gardens days, quizzes etc to further supplement our  coffers.

We also hold an annual get-together dinner at Rock Sailing Club, to which friends and partners are invited.


Committee Members

President:   Peter Meanwell


Deputy Chair

Lindy Creighton-Clarke

Zoe Hodges

Hon Secretary Fiona May / jandfrmay@btinternet.com
Treasurer Jill McCombie



Publicity Zoe Hodges
Librarian/Social Media Deborah Carter
Assistant Librarian Jill McCombie
Minute Secretary Robert Hood-Wright
Social Secretary

Orchestra and Soloists administrator

Jane Parr

Annabell Woolcott

Concert Administrator Anne Wenger

We are saddened by the death, in October 2023, of Iona Lady Molesworth- St.Aubyn of Pencarrow, who had been our Patron, and amazing supporter, for 20 years.